Team/Sports Coverage Providers
Clarion University (NCAA Division I/II athletics)
Penn State Branch Campus Athletics
DuBois Dream (semi-professional, North American Basketball League)
Patient-centered care!
Click on any videos below to hear directly from my patients about individual experiences before and after surgery/recovery!
Total Knee Replacement Patients
Patient “WC” describes his experience 15 days out from a total knee replacement
Patient “WC” walking 15 days out from a total knee replacement!
An in-depth discussion with patient “WC” at 2 months after total knee:
When did sleeping improve?
When did it become easy to go up/down stairs?
Describe your experience coming off tobacco before surgery.
An in-depth discussion with patient “MT” on the following:
When were you able to go back to fishing after a total knee replacement?
How long until you got off the cane for walking?
How is your pain level today (now about 6 weeks out from your surgery)?
How do you feel about staying at penn highlands dubois with our team for your total knee replacement?
Patient “MT” discusses his recovery now 3 months out from his total knee replacement.
He discusses returning to fishing at 4 weeks, walking up and down stairs without any issue, and not using a cane!
He also has a message out there for tobacco / chew / snuff users who need to stop using prior to a joint replacement
“I have been chewing snuff for 50 years, if i can do it (stop chewing tobacco before my surgery), anyone can do it!”
Patient “DC” Describes her experience 3 months out from a total knee replacement!
Patient “GH” is a long-time billiards champion who travels and plays in many leagues. He returned to playing pool 3 days after his total knee replacement. Here he is discussing his recovery at 6 weeks after surgery!
Patient “BK” has now had both knees replaced. The first one in 2014 and now the second one in 2020. She discusses her recovery in the first 6 weeks in this interview!
Patient “BK” returns to discuss her recovery between 6 weeks and 3 months following her total knee replacement. She discusses return to activity in detail! She demonstrates how she can walk 3 months after surgery (both knees have been replaced fyi).
Patient “BK” discusses what she notices are the major differences between getting a total knee replacement back in 2014 compared to 2020! She notes “in house” therapy (meaning therapy at her house) as opposed to in-hospital therapy and transitioned to outpatient therapy after discharge from the hospital back in 2014!
Patient “JM” had both knees replaced in a staged fashion. He had his right knee replaced 5 months ago, and he is now 3 months out from his left knee replacement. He discusses going back to his construction job and his activity and mobility following his surgeries.
Patient "NM" demonstrates walking just 2 weeks out from her total knee replacement!
Patient “NM” demonstrates walking at 2 weeks without a cane following her knee replacement — she also discusses staying at penn highlands dubois for her knee replacement surgery
Patient “PS” Talks about her experience at 2 weeks out from her total knee replacement. She praises our team but all the hard work has been done on her end! we did the easy part! Congrats on your quick and excellent recovery!
Patient "PS" returns almost 2 months out now from her total knee replacement. She discusses her continued recovery (which has been very fast!) and a true testament to her hard work! Thanks to her and her home/outpatient therapists! Thanks for the recommendation! You are a great patient!
Patient "DW" discusses her first 2 month experience following her total knee replacement. She discusses what she EXPECTED versus her surprise as to how quickly she recovered. A true validation of her hard work after surgery. This is an in-depth patient interview that other patients considering a total knee replacement may find particularly useful and helpful!
Patient “PM” demonstrates her walk 2 weeks, pain free following her total knee replacement!
Patient "VR" discusses her initial 2 weeks out from her total knee replacement!
Patient “VR” demonstrates walking without a cane just 2 weeks out from her knee replacement! Hard work and physical therapy pays off!!
Patient "VR" returns now 3 months out from her knee replacement. She discusses her recovery and activity!
Total Hip Replacement Patients
Patient “BR” discusses his experiences in the first 2 weeks following total hip replacement surgery!
Patient “BR” discusses what he noticed during his recovery between 2 and 6 weeks after hip replacement!
Patient “MN” discusses his first 2 weeks following total hip replacement suRgery!
Patient “MN” demonstrates walking just 2 weeks out from his RIGHT total hip replacement!
Patient "MN" talks about his recovery from 2 weeks to 2 months out from his right total hip replacement.
My shoulder surgery patients
Patient “MM” discusses her recovery following right arthroscopic shoulder surgery. She went 6 years without any motion of her shoulder and worked hard during her rehab to now have a pain free , full motion shoulder joint!
Rotator cuff repair patients
Patient “KM” is 3.5 months out from rotator cuff repair surgery! She demonstrates her motion/strength and return to activity!
Patient “TG” weighs in on his rotator cuff repair surgery recovery just over 2 months out!
Patient “TG” weighs in again in a more candid environment from home — discusses his recovery and how he feels about staying local for his rotator cuff repair surgery and recovery!
**Note: the patient uses some “colorful” language to demonstrate his passion for rehab and the recovery process after surgery. He is also very passionate about staying at his local hospital for surgery. Reproduced with patient permission.
Patient “JL” had a CHRONIC and MASSIVE rotator cuff tear pattern. He was told that he needed a shoulder replacement but that he was too young and needed to wait – when I saw him—we decided to proceed with a repair of his subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, anterior teres minor (4 tendon tear – massive chronic, and by definition “irreparable”). Here he is at 4 months discussing his recovery!
Kudos to your hard work “JL” !
Patient “LS” demonstrates her motion and strength — 5 months out from a 3 tendon tear (subscap/supra/infra) of her rotator cuff! She is a true testament to hard work and recovery and she is back to symmetric motion and strength! nice work!
What about if you have a rotator cuff tear and carpal tunnel syndrome? Patient "DS" is 3 months out from a large rotator cuff repair AND 4 weeks out from an open carpal tunnel release. In 3 months he is recovered from BOTH procedures. Nice work!
Shoulder instability patients
Patient “NS” demonstrates her motion/strength 4 months out from shoulder surgery for multidirectional instability! She is now stronger on her operative side compared to her "normal" side -- this is a true testament to her hard work and dedication to therapy exercises and home exercise program
When can you do handstands following shoulder instability surgery? If you dedicate yourself to the postoperative physical therapy phases and work hard with home exercises 5-6 times per week, you just may find yourself doing this technique sometime between 3 and 4 months out from your surgery!
Patient “D” demonstrating his full motion/strength testing 3 months out from arthroscopic surgery to stabilize labral tear/large hill-sachs defect
Total Shoulder Replacement Patients
Patient “PN” is 2 months out from a right reverse total shoulder replacement. She discusses her recovery and demonstrates her motion!
Patient “M” demonstrates her motion and strength now 3 months out from a LEFT reverse total shoulder replacement!
Hand Surgery / CMC suspensionplasty patients
Patient “DU” is now 6 months out from a LEFT THUMB CMC SUSPENSIONPLASTY PROCEDURE. He is a mechanic/laborer. he waS OFF FOR 3 MONTHS TOTAL. He is a mechanic and uses his hands all day for fine repetitive motion and coordinated tasks. He discusses his rehab and demonstrates his motion/strength on exam. He discusses how his thumb now feels at work!
Patient “SH” Discusses her amazingly quick recovery just 2 months out following the novel CMC suspensionplasty procedure done on her right thumb! She also comments on how she got her strength back so quickly following surgery!
Patient “VB” is a former Women’s professional basketball player from texas and she came to me for a trigger finger release . She discusses her experience with my staff and staying local at penn highlands dubois! We appreciate your kind words!
Patient “PC” Discusses her first 2 weeks after the novel CMC suspensionplasty procedure!